Western Rising

For the 1549 revolts of the same name, see Prayer Book Rebellion

The Western Rising was a series of riots which took place during 1626-1632 in Gillingham Forest on the Wiltshire-Dorset border, Braydon Forest in Wiltshire, and Dean Forest, Gloucestershire, in response to disafforestation of royal forests, sale of royal lands and enclosure of property by the new owners.[1] Buchanan Sharp also argues to include uprisings in Feckenham Forest.[2]

The 1626-32 riots were followed by further riots during the Civil War and Interregnum.


  1. ^ Buchanan Sharp (1980), In contempt of all authority, Berkeley: University of California Press, ISBN 0520036816, 0520036816, http://openlibrary.org/books/OL4742314M/In_contempt_of_all_authority 
  2. ^ Popular Protest, Buchanan Sharpe, in Barry Reay (June 1988), Popular Culture in Seventeenth Century England, Routledge, ISBN 9780415000406, 0415000408, http://openlibrary.org/books/OL10186248M/Popular_Culture_in_Seventeenth_Century_England